DLM 666

Life & Future Readings - This program will be enjoyed by Beginners and PROs
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SOYONS, France (May 1st, 2002) - French Software Editor DELEMME brings Numerology, Families & Professionals: "DLM 666" is both PRO & FUN. Try it, Enjoy it and Discover the interest of Numerology! - This European Standard is at last available in English Language. - "DLM 666", a Classic in Numerology! - "DLM 666" is PRO: it has been developped for professional practitioners and greatly helps them. Major Numerologers have worked on the project, as well as computer specialists. - But it's also great FUN: "Read the personality of your friends... and learn Numerology by the same and smooth way!" explains technical manager Phil L. Delemme. - "Everything is written: Read it with DLM 666' '!" : "Numerology is helpful, to understand the invisible and the notions of Luck, Destin... But it seems so complex, so mysterious... There was a real need for a reliable, cheap and powerful software... No more excuse now: click, enter a data, clack and you get an amazing document, complete and beautiful." said Michele Delemme, CEO of the company. "And you can try it free of charge!" - Non Lucet Omnibus...": The star symbolizing the Knowledge of Destiny does not shine for everyone... The motto of Delemme is clear: those who won't visit http://www.delemme.com do not deserve the benefits of this star. A lot of information are available on this site, for instance examples of Chinese Astrology Natal Analyses (Saddam Hussein's chart for instance). You can also ask for more information at Numerology@delemme.com .

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rating Lisa
Been using it for years, too. I've cross checked it with many, many other programs but this one stands alone. No more cross checking!

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